Upcoming Events

Meeting Times

We meet every Sunday at 9am for Bible Study and 10am for Worship.

Current Bible Study Topics:

Life of David - Donny King (Auditorium)

Introduction to Discipleship - Joe Henderson (Back Classroom)

We meet every Wednesday across Woods Road in the Parsonage Basement for a free meal at 6. From 6:45-7:15, we split for an Adult Class and a Kids Class.

Family Matters Seminar

with Dr. Ryan Fraser

March 5-6th - Coopertown Church of Christ

Saturday, March 5, 2022

2pm - Essentials for Building Family Unity

3pm - Sowing Seeds of Self-Esteem in Your Children

4pm - Panel Discussion (parent couples)

5pm - The Secret to Effective Discipline

Sunday, March 6, 2022

9am - Family Communication: Keeping the Love Lines Open (Sunday School)

10am - Raising Spiritual Kids in a Secular World (Sermon during worship)

Sessions are 45 minutes with a 15 minute break in-between.

Everyone is welcome. Childcare will be provided.

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